The past year and a half have been something for the record books, am I right? We’ve all had days when we’ve just “gotten through” and that’s okay. We are human. But for me personally, I need to get back to basics and that means getting the “stuff” out of my home and get back to keeping things simple.
I am currently re-reading An Edited Life by Anna Newton and Simple Matters by Erin Boyle to jump start my creativity in deciding what to keep as I am decluttering. Decorative items that aren’t my style anymore are getting a big ‘ol heave ho. One weekend I took everything out of my closet until it was empty and ruthlessly went through all my clothes, shoes, and assorted items and only kept what I was absolutely going to wear and use. I will share the before and afters in another post 🙂
During the past 18 months, we’ve brought in a lot of items and stuff that maybe we wouldn’t have normally because of the pandemic. Gadgets, gizmos, and what-nots, have all made their way into our home and it is keeping me on edge. It is too much. I feel like I am constantly cleaning things off of tables, off of countertops, off of nightstands and dressers, off of bathroom counters, etc… and I just can’t anymore.
It has to go.
I need a calming space and so does my family. The clutter is not making me happy and in fact all of the things contribute to my anxiety. I also feel like I can’t contribute my time to other things, such as writing here, when I am staring at a countertop full of accoutrements.
I have made some headway on this simplifying journey and I still have a ways to go and that is okay. It is a marathon, not a sprint. I have to remember that it took awhile to accumulate all this stuff. It is going to take awhile to get rid of it all. But just getting started is the hardest part and I have done that, so I am on my way.
Have you ever done a big decluttering session? How did it go?