I stare out the window, overwhelmed by my to-do lists. Looking out that window, smudged dirty with fingerprints. I drink my tea and add “clean the windows” to my never-ending paper with hand-written tasks.
I long for some fresh air, but instead I am covered in dust. Cleaning out the space that will soon no longer be mine. I look to the future but it is murky, and I feel like a rubber band, pulled to its limits.
I drink my tea and breathe in its aroma, honey mixed with chamomile. It calms me and I feel peaceful. The whirlwind that continues to swirl around me, I just let it unfurl.
Busy, busy, busy, like some demented bee, flying about from flower to flower. Pollinate, move on. Hive to hive, must get it done. Must complete the task.
Oh, but my wings are tired. I should keep flying.
But not right now. I need a break.
So, I’ll just sit here and drink my tea… and stop being a busy bee.
*** This post originally appeared several years ago on my previous blog ***