In January, a wee seven months ago, I set an intention for 2019. My word for this year was going to be SIMPLIFY and I was going to do my darndest to make that happen. I needed to make some changes in my life overall and this one word would and could encompass the changes I needed to make.
How am I doing so far? Pretty good actually 🙂
I wanted to work on my health and act accordingly concerning the foods I put in my body and I also wanted to incorporate some sort of exercise regimen. A get-back-to-basics if you will. If I am being honest, it took until late spring to get the exercise thing going, but I have been working out consistently at least five days a week for a few months now and I am really happy that I have stuck with it. I feel better and not so much like a sloth with legs.
In the food department, I am trying to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my repertoire and eating less processed food. Simple but better.
In terms of simplifying my home, I did quite a bit of that when we moved apartments in the spring. My husband and I got rid of a lot of stuff (donated, recycled, etc…) but I know that there is more that we could do.
With life comes running errands. And more errands. And wait for it, more errands. We have tried to not do too much in that department where it consumes us and takes up all our time. Some days we win at that, some days we don’t. I truly appreciate online ordering for diapers, etc. and am attempting to get better at writing out lists so we know what we have to purchase and not go back out because we inevitably forgot something. A work in progress to be sure, but I hope to get this part of my life simplified even more. Life is too short to always be in your car, even if it is to Trader Joe’s 😉
We are simplifying our bill payments and we almost have them all automated. Yessssss…..
Simplifying your life is always an ongoing process. I have said no to events, I have chosen what is important over what someone might think, because I have found out that people are going to think what they want and you have no control over that. I don’t always succeed in that way of thinking, but it is one I have to consistently remember. I need quiet and simplicity and I have learned that people don’t always understand that, and that is okay.
Did you set an intention and/or goal for this year? How are you doing with it?
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration says
Good for you, Mackenzie! I have previously set a focus word for the year but then … not done so great with them. I’m so proud of you for following through with your word. And exercising five times a week is amazing!!! I hope to get back to that again too. I am also trying to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my life and decrease my processed food intake. I’m real hit and miss there. Sometimes I’m really good and other times … it feels like it’s all I eat. Bad planning on my part and let’s get real: processed food is fast, easy and cheap, which is part of its allure.
Mackenzie says
Thanks Tanya! 🙂
It is definitely not the easiest thing to change eating habits, but I have realized that in this 4th decade of ours, certain foods just don’t sit right anymore. Ah, to be 21 and eat whatever the heck you wanted to! 😀